You begin to see the possibilities here. There will be plenty of endless areas to explore and learn about.
Let’s just start with one topic: Water
This is a watery planet we all live on. Water will become a major theme in the years ahead; clean, pure water. Who will get this water? Who won’t? There are 7 billion people now on this planet along with all the flora and fauna that need water as well. How many will have enough? How many will be deluged? It’s doubtful that we’re going to get much of a balance any time soon because we are already too far out of balance. The question then becomes an issue of water rights. Who will own the water rights; the public or the private sector? Grave issues to be sure.
Already, there is a power grab to privatize public water in this State. In the July 26th, 2011 issue of The New York Times an article entitled ‘Storing Water for a Dry Day Leads to Suits’.
There’s more on these subjects in California. Much, much more. What about your State? Will your public interests and rights to clean, pure water be safe? What about you folk in other nations? Have you looked into the water situation where you live? Will your children and their children have enough safe, clean water? Now is the time to become proactive and work hard. My neighbor and friend, Steve Baker, is doing just that. He’s in India right now working with a coalition of people to study water and how to preserve, sustain, and keep it healthy for all.
The health of our oceans will undoubtedly become both a topic of concern and a quandary to solve. Pollution is upon us all with no end in sight. Toxicity of all sorts and kinds drains into our oceans every single day. Who really cares enough to do major problem solving? This will require massive cooperation amongst all the major developed countries to solve, and soon. I’d start researching what’s going on in the ocean nearest you. How safe and clean is the water there? Who is doing anything about it?
End of the line will be a theme for awhile. Neptune rules dissolution. It is the great solvent of life, reducing to nothing that which once was strong and seemingly long-lasting. The Aztecs, Mayans, and Incan Empires were decimated in the 1530s by the invading Spaniards as Neptune was ending its journey through Pisces. During that same time period Henry the VIII broke from the stronghold of the Catholic Church in England and established his own Church of England. He also destroyed the positive Guilds which had supported right livelihood in the common people’s lives. Things irrevocably do change!
When Neptune last journeyed through Pisces from 1847 to 1863 much of a way of life on the North American continent was also dissolved as the Civil War commenced and began to end Plantation life in the South, but also the Gold Rush began to further erode the natural world of the American Indian with a mad new white man’s dream. In some strange sense it was the beginning of the long struggle for African-American freedoms, but simultaneously the demise of the way of life of freedom for the original peoples of a vast, untamed continent.
Change. Do things get better, or do they get worse? It all depends on whose point of view is being expressed. The planets don’t really seem to determine that, do they? They rotate around the Sun, just like we on Earth do. Change is inevitable and new dreams arise out of old fading ones.
The realm of the supernatural is Neptune’s realm, but doubly so when coupled with Pluto. For a few more years ahead these two will link incredibly well together. Pluto has a deep affinity for power, while Neptune loves a good dream, a wonderful vision. Arm in arm they will dance together either towards greater empowerment for all sentient beings, great and small, or towards a power gained over the masses through modern-day methods of sorcery. Casting spells through mind control, sensory control, emotional control; these methods have been wielded for centuries and are now both science and art when used by those who share not a vision of oneness or wholeness.
For all of us as a collective, Neptune in Pisces will create shifts in several important areas:
The environment and our physical health: The issue of water, its purity and distribution certainly will be pertinent. Water ways and water rights will all be changing as further global warming melts the ice caps and creates new vast territories open for exploitation. The issue of our immunity as a species will also be a major theme as the potential spread of viral diseases increases as well as potential discoveries and cures hopefully. Pisces rules the immune system and our planet’s immune system, the ozone layer, is of grave concern. Neptune rules all fossil fuels and their misuse as well as their depletion will be topics of concern.
Socio-political fields will be changing and the ever present danger is a one world government which dominates the masses rather than embracing the uniqueness of all within the whole. Past Neptune in Pisces conquests included Spain’s domination of Central and South America and its subsequent genocides and Inquisitions, the flight of thousands to East Coast colonies to escape persecutions in Europe and England during the 1690s, and of course the movements already mentioned during the 1850s into early 1860s.
Spiritual-Religious movements are quite marked during Neptune’s passage through Pisces. Martin Luther’s Reformation during the 1530s forever changed the domination of the Catholic Church up to that point in time. Further back in the 1190s were the Knights Templar and their Crusades into the Holy Land, and even further back than that was the Roman Empires adoption of Christianity in the 370s. The last time we had Neptune in Pisces there was a flourishing of small religious sects, some of which have grown to have broad influence in today’s world such as the Mormon Church movement out of which we now have a presidential candidate, Mitt Romney.
We can learn much from studying past cycles with Neptune in Pisces, but remember that each cycle is unique in that other planets were in different signs and combinations with the Neptune factor. Also, we much take into consideration evolution. These cycles don’t simply repeat themselves endlessly. They seem to spiral as they revolve. Do they also spiral back down? Possibly. We know that in this vast universe stars explode and implode. Black holes exist. Anti-matter exists. Dark matter exits. These are all part of the great mysteries we can barely fathom in their implications.
WHAT ARE YOUR DREAMS???? With Neptune in Pisces make sure you don’t neglect those true enchanting dreams! Why? Well, we know if we don’t dream during the night, while asleep, we may go crazy. Dreaming awake may just keep us sane!
Genevieve A. Vierling C.A.P.
(530) 272-5778