Because Mercury has also almost touched Neptune at 4+ Pisceswe are experiencing an interesting mix of reverie and reflection amidst the action-packed and often turbulent Cardinal Cross energies at work. I know in my own life the past has lately been rising up to meet me in present time and asking for further resolution and integration in order that I may move forward. This Mercury Retrograde period will certainly give us an opportunity to synthesize past, present, and future over the next three weeks. Perhaps it can be more of a ‘quiet lull’ before the fast-speed ‘maelstrom’ of the Grand Cross in Cardinal signs whacks us again in April. That being said, some of us experience the high impacts of such energies whilst others glide on through. It all depends on your own energy fields.
Right now the Sun is rising ahead of Mercury, but by the time Mercury turns Direct, Mercury will be rising as ‘Luciferous’ ahead of the Sun. Blending this with the shifts between Aquarius and Pisces certainly keeps us on our toes to look backwards even as we look ahead. Are you dizzy now? Please do find your grounding cord and keep working it diligently or you will find yourself thoroughly disoriented.
Perhaps Mercury now symbolizes a process where our ability to reflect and dive into the unconscious (water/ocean/lagoon) may also have to maintain its navigational compass as we move to and fro and go about our busy lives. Is it possible to handle both simultaneously? Those of you who have both Water and Airelements strong in your charts may find that it certainly is possible. Those of you with more the elements of Earth and Fire may find this highly disconcerting. Earth wants stability and pragmatism while Fire wants some spark of inspiration and enthusiasm to keep it motivated.
I see good therapists as often having this combination of Air/objectivity and Water/feelings to help them navigate with their clients the process of gaining consciousness of their unconscious watery eddys and undertows. Let’s say that this time suggests just that process as we attempt to deal with the staggering amount of ‘traffic’ that modern life demands. Dane Rudhyar, when he interpreted these symbols knew nothing of the inter-net. Traffic today means much much more than it did then. We live in restless times and we are simply bombarded and overloaded with all sorts of EMFs (electro-magnetic frequencies). How are we handling them all energetically? We know we try to keep up with the myriad avenues of the inter-net, cell phones, ipads, and all the rest. What does all of this do to our unconscious? How do we process it all? I’m not even referring to how our physical vehicles handle it all!
I encourage each of you in your own way to take the time over the next three weeks to BE REFLECTIVE to the best of your ability. What are the modes you use to quiet your mind? What avenues do you avail yourself of to relax and let go of the stress and strain of modern-day life?
Look at your own chart and see where Mercury is taking you for the next three weeks. That is the area of life which may need your attention on a deeper, more contemplative level. If it’s your 12th house, for example, the reflective withdrawal from the great hustle may be easier. If it’s your 10th house, perhaps more challenging.
By the time that Mercury arrives at that 18th degree of Aquarius, Sationary Direct, we see two very significant symbols emerging. Keep in mind that we always round up to the next degree when working with the Sabian Symbols. The 18th degree is this: “A man’s secret motives are being publicly unmasked.” According to Rudhyar the keynote is: “The difficulty for the modern individual to keep secret their private past or their deeper motives.”
The 19th degree of Aquarius is “A forest fire is being subdued by the use of water, chemicals and sheer muscular energy.” This speaks to our time as well! Here we finally get some FIRE into the mix. Dane Rudhyar’s keynote of this symbol is: “The skill and courage necessary to bring under control the destructive potential of carelessness of karmic ‘visitations’.”
Don’t you just wish that all of humanity would work with the planetary energies and even the fixed stars as a matter of course in their daily lives? Don’t you just wish that we were all in resonance with the celestial spheres? I personally am so exceedingly thankful for the guidance and clarification I get from using celestial guides in my own life. Blessed Be!
Genevieve A. Vierling C.A.P.