Virgos, as a rule, are well grounded souls who prefer some type of discipline that develops their fine intellect so that it can be applied in a practical way through fields which either serve or provide something useful for others. If the arts are chosen they will dedicate themselves diligently to mastering the craft. They are decidedly not interested in simply dabbling or messing around!
The application of discrimination in sorting things out through a process of ever increasing refinement of what is important and what is not is a pathway used by Virgos. Their goal or basic drive is toward synthesizing all the different elements so that the finished result is as perfect and whole as possible. A good example within our own body is the use of our small intestines. The function of sorting out what can be used by our organism and what needs to be discarded is all accomplished within the narrow passage ways of this significant organ. Our Virgo friends also serve us in unobtrusive, but highly significant ways solving problems, completing the details, and polishing the final results.
It should be noted by both examples above that all the small steps Virgos take often lead to great accomplishments. Today Ms. Sanger is ranked as one of the 20th century’s most influential people.
The more introverted type of Virgo will also step by step order, process, and synthesize in efforts to work on and improve themselves. I certainly have a number of exceptional Virgo clients with whom I work. Many of them I have served for decades. They are the ones who leave no stone unturned and ask for details on their journey towards self-understanding and wholeness. They are also usually the ones who want to know why I see what I see. They learn the terminology rather quickly as well. They seem to love the process of self-analysis. Astrology lends itself to the meticulousness of Virgos, for it is so incredibly precise and mathematical. Many top-notch astrologers are Virgos, such as Liz Green who is also a Jungian analyst.
Keep in mind that Virgo is the final sign where individual development in mastered preparing them for success out in the world. Thus Virgo contains within it the synthesis and integration of the previous five signs. Virgo seeks to be whole and self-contained. Perhaps that is why you’ll see many Virgos being perfectly happy to remain reclusive after achieving great fame such as Greta Garbo and Michael Jackson. This is not a sign that glories in the limelight unless the native has some Leo factors in their make-up.
Some Virgos may actually need to live alone for periods of time to simply have the space to be themselves, enjoy their own company, and integrate without the concern for another. If they don’t develop a degree of self-possession, they can’t really give from their heart for there will always lurk that fear that they will lose themselves in the other. This need to be alone describes the preponderance of truly gifted Virgo writers. This is a must for anyone writing a book, especially. They need the time and space to sit and put their thoughts and feelings onto paper, and they need to immerse themselves for hours, perhaps days at a time in this pursuit. Writing is truly a solitary pursuit.
Let’s look at some well known Virgo writers briefly: Ken Kesey’s book One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest was made famous in the movie of the same name starring Jack Nicholson; Stephen King, the brilliant dark satirist of horror wrote psychological thrillers such asThe Shining also made into a movie starring—-guess who?—-Jack Nicholson. Another both comedic and ‘dark’ writer of childrens books was Roald Dahl whose works such as The Witches and Charlie and The Chocolate Factory also were made into movies. And what about Agatha Christie the famous mystery writer whose many works were later made into countless movies for screen and television such as Murder on the Orient Express and The Mirror Crack’d Even Upton Sinclair with The Jungle, Leo Tolstoy with War and Peace, Richard Wright with Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and H.G. Wells with his futuristicWar of the Worlds and The Island of Dr. Moreau, D. H. Lawrence with Lady Chatterley’s Lover; all these mens books were later seen on the silver screen. I find it intriguing to realize just how very many of these Virgos reached the other end of the spectrum, Pisces, via films which are ruled by Neptune.
Virgo Women
If you value a sexy woman with brains you’ll love Virgo women. Of course there may be exceptions to every generality, but I’ve known a great deal of these women personally who needed a man that could handle both their self-containment and their brightness intellectually. Men with large egos should probably stay away from these women because their astute observations can cut to shreds any bluster or bombast. Believe it or not these women usually aren’t that interested in housekeeping chores. They’d rather be at the computer, or working on their favored projects. They may, however, make great partners in bed because they understand the skills of Kama sutra love techniques instinctively. This is an earthy sign, and within one aspect of the archetypal female is the ability to be orgasmic without the need for a partner. Yet it is through partnership that lovemaking expresses the higher octave of sexuality which is love. Virgos are just as capable of tender love as anyone else. They have feelings and are incredibly sensitive. Perhaps, also, it is their discrimination that keeps them particular about who they are willing to trust and open up to completely. A man who is sensitive, caring and also intelligent, who appreciates a bright and fairly self-reliant woman, is more likely to captivate and keep such a woman.
My files are full of Virgo women who have been married and borne children as well as those who have never married nor had children. Many love and work with animals. Most are accomplished women with marked skills in their chosen fields of endeavor.
It’s interesting that Queen Elizabeth I was dubbed ‘The Virgin Queen’. We know she never married, but do we know for certain that she never had a sexual liaison? Virgo does not mean virginal in the puritanical sense. It simply means ‘self-possessed’; she who is whole and her own person.
The dilemmas of the modern Virgo woman are especially dramatized now in the Middle East as traditional women’s roles, which are characterized by the archetypal Virgo-Pisces axis of the old patriarchal system, are being redefined. Virgo was never a sign meant to be subservient to anyone!
If you look her up in Wikipedia you see a long list of her accomplishments since her spouse, Abdullah II was proclaimed King in 1999. She has championed education and learning with an effort to refurbish 500 of Jordan’s public schools. She is the Chairperson of the Royal Health Awareness Society. She has championed children’s welfare ‘above political agendas and cultural taboos’ establishing ‘The Jordan River Children Program and Child Safety Program. She initiated the Al-Aman Fund for the Future of Orphans, set up scholarship funds and has worked tirelessly for literacy in undeveloped African countries. She has promoted cross-cultural dialogue with other nations. “For her work in cross-cultural peace dialogue Queen Rania accepted the PeaceMaker Award from the Non-Profit Seeds of Peace. On and on the list goes…Some of her male critics compare her to Imelda Marcos which is an insult, yet she is certainly controversial in her own country given their mores and traditions. She is intelligent, complex, as well as beautiful, and she is just now going through her mid-life crisis at 42 years. This Uranus opposite Uranus year may help her to mature into the truly great stateswoman she is capable of being helping to bridge the East/West dichotomy and bring her countries women into the 21st Century.
Virgo Men
Do you want to be with a man who is careful, reasonable, and can solve most any problem if a practical solution is possible? Do you want to be with a man who actually enjoys being needed? Then perhaps you should pay attention to men with Sun, Mars, and/or Ascendant in Virgo. These men are usually more understated and often sensitive. They certainly don’t come on like blockbusters unless more volatile energies such as Leo, Aries, or the water signs are strongly present. Virgo Sun signs can, however, be romantic simply because usually Leo planets or Libra planets border Virgo.
High-strung is often a quality attributable to Virgo. Mercury rules this sign and their nervous systems are finely and tightly wired. This is why they can’t handle angry, explosive scenes or even dramatic weeping ones unless they have chosen to be calm therapists looking objectively on. They prefer order and routine in their daily life to give them a sense of control. They need to play and relax in nature and they need a warm and trusting mate to lead them gently into the more mystical and magical realms of life.
Virgos Shadow
It would seem that none of us on planet earth can avoid having a shadow! Virgo’s shadow, like all shadows, has to do with the effort to maintain control through various defense mechanisms. One of these is to always know everything. This ends up being a put down on anyone else offering a suggestion, a bit of their advice, or an offer to help. If the other is Virgos ‘significant other’ they slowly and insidiously are crushed of their own creative expressions and self worth.
Another element of Virgos shadow is to defend against all spontaneity or unpredictability. Such a shadow formed out of deep insecurities can also wither more playful and fiery types. Both of these shadow elements push others away from Virgos or shut down more timid types so that the relationship goes flat and cold.
The ‘Hustler Shadow’ mentioned in relationship to Charlie Sheen can show up in either men or women. These are people whose sensitivity was injured so deeply that they hide behind a hard-core shell. Everything is up for bargaining and is reduced to bottom-line mentality involving money. Our society is now full of these types who are disillusioned and seemingly hard, yet at their deepest of levels frightened and vulnerable. The sadistic side of this shadow is the world of being at all costs the ‘top dog’ where an ‘under dog’ must also be in the equation as the masochist. It is a vicious Virgo-Pisces cycle that sucks both sides down into a whirlpool of suffering.
Virgo as Lover
This is probably the antidote to the S-M bondage shadow side of Virgo. Coming back towards being a sensitive lover who understands nuances of delicacy, which in turn release the deep sensuality that is this sign’s birthright, is one key towards wholeness. A true Virgo is an erotic being who enjoys uniting their mind with their body. Oneness includes both. A Virgo lover can communicate with both words and touch. Seeking a meeting of the mind with the heart takes time, and a Virgo can be careful and patient once they know trust is there. This sign is able to commit and be faithful for the long haul, but the journey towards that end is often a bumpy ride as the hard knocks and unexpected curves are met and gradually passed through with less and less resistance, for Virgos are learning to flow by embracing their opposite, Pisces.
Let’s now look at Virgo in relationship with each sign of the zodiac and some of the famous couples who illustrate these combinations. Again, keep in mind that Virgo is an Earth sign and is in basic harmony with Water and other Earth signs, yet Virgo may be drawn to Fire signs in its need for greater vision and inspiration, not to mention plain ole fun. Virgo with Air can get awfully dry, yet we’ll see just how many of these combinations are coupled and why they work, for even though Virgo is an Earth sign, it is ruled by Mercury, a neutral planet which can mix and match with almost anything. Feel free to skip to the combinations that interest you the most.
Virgo with Aries
As we have noted, Aries begins and Virgo climaxes the ego-building process unfolding in the first six signs of the zodiac. Both signs encourage individuation in different ways. If some of their goals are mutual, they can complement each other well. It should be noted, however, that neither are going to refuel each other as Sun signs. Fire truly does need Fire to get refueled. Virgo, perhaps, can tend to refuel itself through work and various specialized pursuits; thus we have a need with two sun signs to adjust to each other energetically.
Virgo with Taurus
This is an Earth with Earth combination and should harmonize both people’s energy. This is considered a positive combination where material improvement is greatly enhanced as both have the potential to work together to accomplish something solid.
They are true peers, both born in 1967. Like Andy and Brooklyn, the cross aspects of Moon/Mars and Moon/Mercury between them enhance their earth Suns together.
Rossellini was sensual Taurus with Moon in Scorpio doubling his seductiveness. His Sun fell in her 10th house (authority) while his Moon activated her 4th (motherhood and family). His Neptune conjoined her Pluto/Mars/Saturn mesmerizing her for awhile. Reality eventually set in. He tried to keep her barefoot in the kitchen which never wears well with a Virgo! Three children later he returned to his womanizing ways, she returned to escape through alcohol, they fought a lot, and she eventually found someone else. This is a sad tale showing that trines between Sun signs aren’t always a blessing.
Virgo with Gemini
Here are two mutable signs, which can adapt to each other since both are mutually ruled by Mercury. However, one is Air and the other Earth creating tension and nervous strain. They decidedly don’t refuel each other and I’ve seen this with some of my clientele over the years. The Gemini may feel overly criticized by the Virgo while Virgo may get tired of the scatteredness of Gemini.
What bonded them together then? They were true peers born in the same year, 1819. Their Mars were in harmony. His Sun in Virgo harmonized with her Mercury/mind. She probably felt heard by him, and she learned from him as well. His Jupiter harmonized with her Sun & Moon making him her best advisor and support. His Venus was trine her Mars; a fitting combination for consort and Queen. She did have to go on with her Mars in Aries after his untimely death. That was her destiny, but she never ceased to mourn her loss wearing black until her own death after a long 64-year reign.
Virgo with Cancer
Earth with Water blend well and do energize each other. This combination can be highly industrious together and work effectively as a team.
Virgo with Leo
Side by side even though totally different from each other, we often see this combination in partnerships which can last a long time. These side by side combos are more common than traditionally noted probably because there is an over-lap between the two. You would think that Virgo would serve Leo, but in the case of ‘Leo’ Tolstoy, the Virgo, with his Leo wife, Sophia, there seemed to be tragic paradox at work.
Here we see the pain of her Leo Sun and Cancer Venus facing the shadow of his Virgo Sun and Leo Saturn/Venus. Her chart is full of inconjunct aspects symbolizing the enormous adjustments she went through to be his wife and bear all thirteen children in the process. Her own creative talents and intellect (their Mercury’s were conjunct in Virgo) were marginalized by his authoritarian domination.
Virgo with Virgo
Two Virgos together—-imagine that! My best friend in High school was a Virgo who married her college sweetheart, a Virgo. I was Matron of Honor at their wedding. There marriage seemed so harmonious and natural in the early years. They lived in Boston where he worked as a physicist and she a dental hygienist. They bought the old Stanley mansion, renovated it together and gathered together a large group of intelligent young people to nurture and mentor since my friend could not bear children. They seemed the perfect couple until one day he simply walked out without an explanation, never to return again. She was distressed, baffled, and never did get closure on why he left. A mystery remains here……I don’t have their charts to analyze, but somewhere a canceling out occurred energetically and he didn’t have the courage to confront her with what wasn’t working for him. Sad indeed.
Virgo with Libra
This could be the ‘harmonizing of diverse paths’ since Libra takes the mastery of techniques from Virgo and applies them to esthetically pleasing results whether social or artistic. Virgo is earthy and particular while Libra is airy and diplomatic. In one person this might translate as being socially correct; in a couple this translates into a nice couple like Adam Sandler and Jackie Titone.
Virgo with Scorpio
This is an earth with water combination and you would think a workable one as partners, but I could find no publicly known people with this signature. Let me know if you have a good example! Both are highly critical and analytical signs. Perhaps in a couple it would just be too much. Virgo is always re-evaluating while Scorpio will go even farther and ruthlessly tear down what it deems unfit in order to build it anew. Working together on research projects might be fitting, or sharing similar techniques in any field from science to the fine arts might also be common ground for relationship. I would also think that Virgo could be a good ‘container’ for the more passionate Scorpio to feel safe with while Scorpio, quite capable of deep commitment, could coax Virgo to open up and share more.
Virgo with Sagittarius
These mutable signs are by nature in conflict as one is earth and the other fire, yet mutable signs are highly adaptable and mentally oriented. Virgo adapts through analysis while Sagittarius adapts through planning. Beliefs would be the major issues here. If Virgo dares to criticize the beliefs of Sagittarius, antagonism is sure to rear its ugly head. Also Sagittarius would not want to be confined by Virgo.
Virgo with Capricorn
Both earth signs, we would assume this to be a great combination and it is. Concrete achievement is possible as Virgos ingenuity supports Capricorns ambitions to rise. This combination is often related to business acumen and achievement.
Virgo with Aquarius
This doesn’t seem like an easy combination until you look at qualities that both share in this modern world, especially. Both signs are interested in achieving something intellectually and wanting to get the job done without a lot of ego fanfare. They can probably work side by side, each doing their own thing without needing a lot of hand-holding in the bargain. If the Virgo partner has some of the warmth of Leo in their nature, they help to draw out their cool Aquarian partner. Of course if Virgo also has some Libran energy that blends well with Aquarius socially and intelligently.
Virgo with Pisces
Our final match of opposites between earth and water brings analysis in Virgo to synthesis in Pisces. Virgo picks things apart while Pisces draws them together again in an evolutionary creative increment. Both can be service oriented and when devotion and love are united the sky is the limit to what can be attained.
Genevieve A. Vierling C.A.P.